Welcome to the SGV MC website. Member Council's are NRA members that want to be proactive in the political areana, includint legislative, executive and judicial activities in California. MC's are all over California. To find the council nearest to you, seee the babove ,emi item.

We are committed to being the Second Amendment watch dogs of the San Gabriel Valley, and to vigilantly monitor, report and react to what cities in the San Gabriel Valley, along with the Los Angelse County, and the State of California are doing regarding firearms rights and restrictions. Are goal is to reach out to all firearm owners, those who wish to become firearm owners, those who seek to gain knowledge about forearms an to patricotic individuals who want to preserve and live out Constitutional rights. One way we accomplish this is through email alerts. To add your name to the SGV MS list, use the Contact page and sign up.

It is extreamly that you stay informed and be actively involved. Your voice counts.

California is the only state that has Members Council's. Additionally, California is the only state to have it's own legislative lobbyist. It also spends more money here than any other state.

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